2.58% Day Trading Gain From AEY and ISIG -

2.58% Day Trading Gain From AEY and ISIG

Doing my pre-market research I identified that yesterday had the potential of being a low performing day due to the #1 stock in the pre-market was only up 22%. When the market opened at 9:30AM EST none of the 3 stocks I analyzed opened up and didn't follow any of my rules so I knew I had to be patient and let the #1 stock be replaced with the next runner for the day.

If the #1 stock was never replaced I was open to the possibility of not making any trades yesterday. Luckily my #3 stock AEY I analyzed replaced the #1 stock and I was able to make some gains. I knew I had to move quickly with taking my gains because AEY opened down. When this happens you need take your profits very quickly. Even though AEY became #1 it showed me on the open that it wasn't going to be a big runner for the day.

I was able to make some profit from AEY and like I predicted it went back down and was replaced by ISIG which became the next runner for the day and I was able to pick up some additional profits from this trade. The only reason why I was profit today is that I stuck to my rules and was able to be patient and let the running stocks come to me instead of me trying to force a trade.