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A Better Way To Place Stock Limit Orders -

The way that I place stock limit orders is by planning ahead, for example lets say EXPR stock price is $3.50 so I would place my limit order at $3.75. What I learned about limit orders is that your stock order could be fulfilled up to the price your trying to get. So if the price only reached $3.60 and then went back down your order would be fulfilled at $3.60 instead of your target of $3.75.  A better way to placing limit orders is to already have you order planned ahead before the market opens and wait until the...

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Today I ended with a 1% gain but sacrificed a 10% gain by being too patient with a stock. Some people would be happy with a 1% gain but when you know you could've made more it makes you feel uneasy. Everyday when I trade I always ask myself how can I improve today. What I learned is that it's ok to take profits you don't have to max out every trade. Going forward I'm gong to start having my trade exits planned before I place my trade. When I place my trades I will always set me stop loss...

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New Trading Methods -

This new stock trading method is called the break even method. We always place limit and stop orders. Initially we place our stop loss at 1% but as the stock price increases over 2% we adjust our stop loss to break even. If we get into the trade early enough we can be patient with our stocks that run. Now once your price passes 3% or more you can adjust your stop loss up to 2% to lock in profits. You always want to give your stocks enough room to run to maximize your profits. The early you get into...

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Day Trading Risk Management -

I wish someone had told me when I first started trading stocks that risk management is one of the most important skills you need to be a successful trader. I always use 2 to 1 odds, meaning every time I risk $1 I'm looking to make $2 or more dollars back. When you day trade with 2 to 1 odds, the odds are always in your favor. You have 50% odds when you place a trade. The stock can only go up or down. Just like flipping a coin you have 50% odds. If you take a coin and flip...

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